Monday, September 10, 2007

Green tea - great deodorizer

Green tea with its many antioxidants makes it one of the healthiest drinks available. Benefits of green tea certainly do not stop here. The catechins, or commonly known antioxidants, in green tea have antibacterial features, which make tea leaves very good for fighting odor.
Here is what to do...When finished brewing tea put leaves into a strainer or colander and press out as much liquid as you can...Spread the leaves on a piece of paper to dry well...If needed you can repeat the whole process...
Food odors in a refrigerator can be removed if you place a small uncovered bowl of tea leaves or used tea bags in the refrigerator.
You certainly noticed that smell on your hands after preparing fish, chopping garlic etc. To get rid of it just rub your hands with wet green tea leaves. Rub those tea leaves on areas where you prepared the food too. It should help...
Sprinkle dry tea leaves on your carpet, leave them for 10-15 minutes, then vacuum. This will refresh your carpet and deodorize your vacuum cleaner...
For those of you who own pets...You can put dry green tea leaves in cat litter to difuse odors, deter fleas..Sprinkle the leaves on your pet's favourite bed or pillow...

1 comment:

Steph said...

Hello! I've just found you. I also have a tea-related blog. Sometimes I blog about other things, but at it's core, I write about tea. Stop by and visit! I will check yours often.